Warren County Records Center & Archives
Due to the recent weather, the Records Center and Archives are closed today.



We are an open government. We welcome participation by our citizens. We believe openness leads to a better informed public, which leads to a more transparent government and better public policy. Citizens are entitled to access government records and the Ohio Public Records Act should be interpreted liberally in favor of disclosure.

The records maintained by the Warren County Records Center & Archives are unique and many are both fragile and irreplaceable. Your cooperation is vital in abiding in accordance to the Warren County Board of Commissioners’ Public Records Policy, updated June 2015, (http://www.co.warren.oh.us/Commissioners/PublicRecordsPolicy.pdf) and any additional policy designed to promote the preservation of archival materials, for the use of the Archives so that Warren County’s records continue to be available for future generations.


Patrons may make public records requests at the Warren County Records Center & Archives between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, excluding government holidays.
For copies of public records on one-sided paper in black ink, the copy cost is $.10 per page; for one-sided paper in color ink, the copy cost is $.20 per page. Researchers may also take photographs of records, without the flash, at no cost.

  1. Eating and drinking are prohibited at the Records Center & Archives.
  2. To prevent permanent marking of research materials, the use of any kind of pen is prohibited. Pencils may be used.
  3. Writing on papers placed on top of research materials is prohibited.
  4. Patrons are asked to wear archival gloves when handling any record, map, manuscript, book, microfilm, or any other material as indicated by the Records Center & Archives staff. If you do not wish to wear archival gloves, a Records Center & Archives staff member will be happy to assist you in the inspection of the record(s) requested.
  5. Do not change the order in which a collection has been filed. If this occurs by accident, please inform the reference staff.
  6. Any public record created 75 years and older may be pulled. The law prohibits the disclosure of some records. Patrons must comply with the terms of any restrictions placed on records.
  7. When you have completed your research, please leave all research materials on the table. Please do not re-file documents.
  8. Briefcases, backpacks, and other bags are subject to search prior to their removal from the Records Center & Archives.
  9. Patrons are to respect other researchers and staff in the reading room. Extended conferences with fellow researchers should be held outside the reading room.
  10. The materials held here do not circulate and may not be removed from the Records Center & Archives.
  11. When the source materials you wish to copy are fragile and could be damaged by the photocopy process as determined by the County Archivist, copies will be generated from electronic or microfilm images of the materials in such cases.

Please refer to the Ohio Revised Code for further information regarding public records policy.