Warren County Records Center & Archives
Due to the recent weather, the Records Center and Archives are closed today.

Collection Statement

The Warren County Records Center and Archives will identify, collect, appraise, organize, and preserve records of enduring value, in all formats, as created by the elected officials, administrators, and employees of Warren County and those records that enhance the story of these collections. This includes, but is not limited to collections from all county entities under the jurisdiction of the Warren County general fund and the Warren County Records Commission identified under O.R.C 149.38 and O.R.C. 149.42. Permanent or historical records of enduring value from elected officials, administrators, and employees of municipalities, townships and other government localities within the boundaries of Warren County will be accepted into the Warren County Records Center and Archives if said locality cannot care, preserve or house these records.

Professor Alfred Holbrook, National Normal University, late 1800s
Professor Alfred Holbrook, National Normal University, late 1800s
Scope of Collecting and Donations

The Warren County Records Center and Archives houses materials in a variety of formats including, but not limited to: books, microfilm, microfiche, CD-ROM’s, cassettes, videos, pamphlets, posters, diaries, letters, maps, photographs, manuscripts and scrapbooks. The records center will accept oral history interviews on any media if they fit within the scope of the mission statement of the Warren County Records Center and Archives, but request they be accompanied by a typewritten summary of transcript. In addition, local photograph collections that are documented with names and dates will be accepted with restrictions on size and content as determined by the director of the department, if the collections fit the scope of the mission statement of Warren County Records Center and Archives.

The Records Center and Archives will take into consider donations of unique collections that fit within the scope of the Warren County Records Center and Archives mission policy under the discretion of the director of the Warren County Records Center. Donations that do not fit the scope of this policy will be returned back to the owner of the collection. Any collection accepted will be required to sign a deed of gift to relinquish official ownership to the Warren County Record Center and Archives.